About Us
It all comes down to devoted followers of Jesus Christ. If we can follow Jesus, then we can love people. Love God, love people.
Live A Better Journey

We Have a Place for You and Your Family
Trusting God like any relationship, takes time and effort. We believe that through worship, Connect Groups, Serve Teams, and prayer, you will learn how to trust God and gain the spiritual tools to put your faith into action.
A church where you can being your personal spiritual journey.
A safe place for your children to learn Christian principles.
A community where your family can grow together with other families.
What to Expect
We will greet you with a smile, show you around and help you find your seat.
We have no dress code and everyone is welcome!
A fun, safe, and clean children’s area is provided for kids from 4 months through 6th grade.
- During worship, we seek to engage the heart, mind, and soul with worship songs and an inspiring message for all walks of life. Our gathering will last for about an hour and a half.
Our goal is that you leave us having gained a new perspective, made some new friends and already looking forward to returning next week with someone else.
Our Vision
Our vision is to help people know God and discover the path that He has for them.
Our Mission
Our mission is to passionately love God and people. We accomplish this by creating an atmosphere where God’s presence is felt and lives are changed.
Our Values
Faith: We envision a church where faith is not just a Sunday ritual, but a guiding light in our everyday lives.
Families: Families are the building blocks of our community, and we envision a church where families are nurtured and supported.
Friendships: We envision a church where friendships extend beyond the walls of the church, reaching out to those who are seeking community and connection.
Healing: We desire to see people who are hurting physically and emotionally find freedom.
Generosity: God is a generous God! We desire to follow His example so we are generous with our time, talent and treasure.

Discover Purpose
Everyone, at some point, wonders who they are because it determines how we see ourselves. We know people come to church with many identities– some positive, some negative.
Our goal is for you to see yourself the way God sees you. Jesus, the Son of God, taught that we are children who are valued, forgiven and loved unconditionally in God’s eyes. We want you to think, trust and live knowing that you are a child of the Most High God so that you experience the goodness purposed for you here and now.

Find Community
If you’ve been going through the motions and wishing for more, you’re not alone. Every person has a need to connect with something greater than themselves and with other people who are working to make a difference in the world.
Jesus invites us into a new reality called “The Kingdom of God.” It looks like ordinary people living out an extraordinary story together.

Make A Difference
Our mission at Journey Church is to guide you in building a personal relationship with God. As you grow in this relationship, you’ll continually find more freedom in Christ and embrace the vision He has for your life.
You’ll develop meaningful connections with others in the same season of life. You’ll make a difference in the world by serving others with your God-given strengths.
We’re here to help you know God personally, grow in your relationships and discover your purpose.

Pastors Gary &
Rodine Palermo
Senior Pastors
Pastors Gary and Rodine Palermo have been in ministry since 1975, and have traveled from coast to coast preaching the message of Jesus. They moved to Minnesota with their family and became the senior pastors of Journey Church in 2007 with the belief that people are designed to make a difference in this world and they can leave a legacy that lifts up Jesus.
Together they are leading the church to meet the need in every person to connect with something greater than themselves and with other people. They believe Jesus invites us into a new reality called “The Kingdom of God.” It looks like ordinary people living out an extraordinary story together.
Journey Church is a place where people are welcomed into this extraordinary story regardless of your background or life season. Pastors Gary and Rodine believe people’s lives will be transformed by encountering the presence of Jesus. We exist to help people live a better journey by making their path plain, so they can avoid drifinting through life.
Pastors Gary and Rodine are both gifted with a ministry of teaching the Word of God. They have a passion to teach leadership and team building principles found in the Scriptures that further the work of God’s Kingdom. Their mission is to guide people in building a personal relationship with God so that they will embrace the vision God has for their life.
Gary and Rodine believe every person is created for a purpose, they are created for relationship, and created to be part of the Kingdom of God.
We would love to see you in church!
Plan your visit to a worship experience to see and learn all Journey Church has to offer you and your family.